Thursday, August 6, 2009

Another view of the Mystery Lot

Just wanted to follow-up on the Mystery Lot post from late July. Wanted to have a record of the lot from the 14th Street angle looking south toward 13th Street.

And thanks to everyone who left comments on the post. Chris Flash had a chance to look around at the interior of this property's former occupant, the Jefferson Theater. "The place was in horrible condition, but definitely could have been rehabbed. The lay-out was tight but perfect for sight lines and accoustics -- I could feel the history still living inside there."

A shame.

1 comment:

  1. i remember passing the theater often when going to Throb on 14th to buy electronic music in the 90s. The theater facade still looked pretty good then. One day the orange Xs appeared, months later it was gone.


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