Hot scoop from Jeremiah: Five Roses pizza now serving in...Negril, Jamaica (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)
Old friends at Ray's circa 1996 (Neither More Nor Less)
At the Sunburnt Cow: "The smell got worse and worse, until they realized that the guy was so drunk he shit his pants while sitting there." (Blah Blog Blah)
128 Hester ready for the wrecking ball? (BoweryBoogie)
The Fringe Festival continues (FringeNYC)
Get your Cocksucker Blues! (Hunter-Gatherer)
Erica Kane in Stuy Town! (Stuy Town's Lux Living)
The neon of Cafe Oliveira (Greenwich Village Daily Photo)
Hybrid police car/cab spotted! (NYC Taxi Photo)
How many minutes do people in NYC have to work to buy a Big Mac? (BoingBoing)
How to start a food truck biz! (The Wall Street Journal)
P.S. It's hot out.

Earlier this week (Tuesday or Wednesday night) one of these 'cop taxis' pulled over a car on Avenue A between 5th & 6th Sts, at around 9.30pm. Having never seen or even heard about these 'cop taxis' before, I stood fascinated and watched the ensuing search unfold. The cops searched the occupants and the car but it looked like they didn't find anything. I can't report on the end result as I went for a bathroom break and everyone was gone by the time I got back to my perch at the windowsill.