A reader who lives down the street noted:
i get to walk by the b&t velvet-rope crowd daily, and can barely get by them all sprawled out, texting, celphone chatting, smoking, flicking cigarette butts everywhere and generally being gross. i usually just walk in the street. NOW with this "cafe" taking up half the sidewalk, plus the velvet rope line, what does that leave???
Meanwhile. A quick flashback to a post from April...
Here's the line to get into Horus Cafe at Avenue B and Sixth Street Saturday around 9 for the Belly Dancers Night....

That funky wooden seating thingy was on sale a while ago. I guess nobody wanted to buy it.
I wonder why, Andrew?! Ha. That thing is just .... ugly.
Great, more yuppies taking up sidewalk space and thinking they are in Europe, when this is NYC not fuckin Europe.
I fuckin' hate that place... Remember that southern restaurant with the awesome Po Boys & all the funky furniture that used to be in that space a few years ago? To move from that to hookah-sucking idiots... ugh.
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