Thursday, October 8, 2009

Something strange about this ConEd Building photo...

Right. No dorms or other high rises around it... Anyway, I always appreciate the archival items that EV Grieve reader Mykola (Mick) Dementiuk finds and sends along...such as this shot of the ConEd building via 1957 (from Life magazine).

And this rooftop shot in the EV of Steve McQueen and Natalie Wood from 1963's "Love With The Proper Stranger."


  1. Great photo. Christoper Gray wrote about the building in the lower right, The German Savings Bank, in this past Sunday's Streetscapes. There's a pre-Con Ed photo (1872) here:

  2. Dang. I missed that, Pinhead. Thanks for the link!

  3. You can also get the film 'Love With A Proper Stranger, in 11 parts from YouTube

  4. I actually started watching it last night Mick!

    Had never seen it before, for whatever reasons. Nice shot of the St. Mark's Church in the Bowery too in part five — around the 8-minute mark.

  5. Natalie Wood!! Ahhh true grace and beauty.

  6. Indeed, Ken. She works at a Macy's counter here....


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