The listings provide a few clues....

I don't have much to compare this to... With Superdive, this makes five bars for sale in the same area of the East Village. Seems like a lot to me. Business as usual? Or is there something more happening here? People want to cash out while they can? I'm open to theories, if there are any....
Let's not forget that Cheapshots has changed owners too in the last month.
What is happening is that there were just too many bars in too few blocks (particularly Ave. B between 10th & 14th Street)! I remember thinking the bar density was ridiculous eight years ago.
I like having a few bars in an area just to put some people out at night. Its too bad the only business open after 10 PM in many parts of the city are bars. For contrast, look at the East 60ths where it seems there are almost no businesses open after 6 PM. Despite being a safe neighborhood, the area can feel creepy in the evening, but I suppose the residents like that.
However, the "Superdive" stretch had the opposite problem. Superdive itself should have been located four or five blocks further west.
Many people, I'm sure, probably wish that Superdive was located 4-5 blocks to the west....
The space where 'Tribe' used to be on the corner of 1st and St. Mark's has been empty for almost a year.
I thought the owner of Crooked Tree around the corner on St. Mark's was going to take over this old Tribe space.
Isn't Tower Brokerage the agent for Westbrook? Westbrook aka PVE aka predatory equity owners/managers of notorious parcel of upper-EV tenements?
I'd welcome Crooked Tree in that space. Their existing space is a bit too cozy.
Don't think the block needs another bar. Certainly not one in the vein of 'Tribe.' Always drew a pretty cheesy crowd. There are 3 bars already on that side of the street alone --- Lunasa, International, and Wechsler's.
There's another small empty spot next between Ruben's and Kim's.
Footwear Plus is meant to up a kid's shoe store where the Liberty bodega used to be on the other side of the street.
127 1st is also shuttered.
Roommate and I were brainstorming last night. Any thoughts on what might do well on the block?
That a spot on the corner of St. Mark's has been shuttered for this long is incredible. It's a rather big space. Retail, perhaps? Restaurants are so hit and miss.
The "we do one thing, but do it really well" types of places seem to be faring OK, i.e. Porchetta, Luke's, though they don't require so much square footage.
And a prediction: Giano on 7th btw 1st and A is not long for this world. No one is ever in there.
Thanks for the comment, dmbream. We've had a few posts here in the past about the former Tribe landlord. She owns the building and apparently wants a fortune for rent. Crooked Tree will need to sell a helluva lot of crepes to make it work.
There were rumors of a small jazz club opening at that vacant spot between Kim's and Ruben's. That appears to be dead.
Noticed 127 First Ave. the other night. Wasn't that a hookah bar that was ALWAYS hiring?
I know several commenters on this site who'd love to see a fishmonger open again — on First Avenue or anywhere in the neighborhood. What else would make it on the block vs. what I'd like to see are likely wildly different...
Figured RE: Tribe's landlord, but how stubborn of an ass can you be to let a place sit empty for a year? Offer up a short-term lease. It is a huge space, though. A helluva lot of crepes, indeed. A restaurant will have to NAIL it there to survive.
127 was a French/Medi bistro. No big whoop. Think it has a patio, which could make for a nice spot.
Fish place would be great, if not smelly.
Would like to see:
Decent, proper bagels.
Quality deli.
I'd love a GREAT slice of pizza. The immediate neighborhood's offerings are shit. Pizza Shop? Over it. And Stromboli is absolute bollocks. Luzzo's by the slice, anyone???
As long as the Best Bar in the World doesn't close, I'm good.
Albeit late to the conversation - from a bar/club owner's perspective it's worth listing the venue/business on the market just in case the business is worth selling (aka. if a good offer comes in).
Also, any potential bids for the business can be a tool in valuing it to future investors.
Good point, anon 2:12.
I thought it was Magnum that was the brokerage for PVE, not Tower. Maybe both?
My guess is that these days the liquor license is worth more than running a bar, kind of like you buy a stock and wait for it to go up and sell it, not because you have an interest in micro-gadget wires.
And really, who in their right minds wants to be the owner of SuperDive? You couldn't tell anybody what you do for a living.
PS my word verification for this comment is "racism" Weird.
I'm with you on the licenses, Jill. But in the case of Superdive, the license is good until April 2011 -- is there much longterm value in that...?
From what I've seen about liquor licenses, once you have one it is very very difficult for them to take it away, so whoever bought it from SuperDive would likely get it renewed, despite the complaint history. All they get is a slap on the wrist. Ouch.
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