Monday, November 2, 2009

A tribute for Snoopy

Late yesterday afternoon, a woman stood on the southeast corner of First Avenue and Third Street with a makeshift memorial for her beloved dog Snoopy.

When I asked her what happened, she quickly said that she was not asking for money. She said that a man had come up to her a little earlier and started screaming at her for being on the corner.

She explained how on Thursday she was walking across First Avenue, slipped on a manhole cover and landed on her beloved pet. The dog died before she could get him medical attention.

Her tribute below tells more of the story. It is her aim to get more and better emergency medical treatment for pets in the city. She will be circulating a petition soon.

I asked if I could take her photo. She thanked me but declined. She did tell me to take pictures of the tribute and post them on YouTube.


  1. But never on First Avenue! (I'll stop now...)

  2. Man, so many deaths/accidents on First Ave lately...

  3. I'm really quick today, BaHa! I just noticed my bed/pet typo! Ugh!

  4. There's a 24 hr vet on 15th Street just west of 5th avenue and another, the Animal Medical Center, at 62nd and York.

  5. Did you post the photos on youtube? Oh wait, youtube is for videos.

  6. I mean... I feel bad for the old lady but I think she needs to accept responsibility for murdering her pet. I don't want to sound heartless, but "lady, it's time for cats."

  7. She was very specific about these photos appearing on YouTube.

  8. This woman is suffering, leave her lack of internet savvy alone and try and show a bit of compassion! That could be you one day.
    Poor woman, my good thoughts go out to her.
    Save the snide and snippy for the little brats running around the neighborhood puking their lame guts out.

  9. No need for ugh, EV. I'm working on an horrific deadline, and your typo made my day a bit better.

  10. When I was living in Brooklyn, I almost crushed my cat's head. I was in the garden and looking down through a hatch I had discovered that led to the basement and the cat was really interested in that dark basement, but I didn't know it was perched on the edge of the hatch, looking down. I lowered the heavy hatch and I heard this moaning/yowling -- I realized it was the cat and that apparently its head was being crushed. Luckily, I quickly lifted up the hatch -- and I guess its head wasn't crushed too badly, only slightly, or it had a pretty hard skull, because it quickly leaped down into the basement to go a mouse huntin'. But I could have easily killed it. But to fall on a dog and kill it yourself is tough.


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