Of course, there were some people who weren't convinced that this, indeed, could be the star of such motion pictures as "Artificial Intellignce: AI." Like, for instance, one commenter, who we'll call "JM," wrote: "maybe it's just some fratty white kid in a ballcap."
Last night, an anonymous commenter left a message on that post, saying: "the only way you can actually tell its him is from the hat. there are tons of pics/videos of him wearing that hat all over the place."
It's true, we found. Look! He wears a hat that looks similar to the person who was drawing a snick (snow dick) on that windshield...
Belated kudos to New York magazine for naming the Penistrator one of the reasons to love New York in 2009...
elementary, my dear. nice sleuthing work, sherlock grieve.
next - the identity of gavin mcinnes
that hat looks pretty mangy
so does his finger lol
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