Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fairytale new beginning for Snacklicious Cinderella?

Back in January, we noted that the falafel standby on Second Avenue at St. Mark's Place was being dismantled by a work crew...

Well now. The place seems to be coming back to life, as of yesterday evening. Lots of new falafelly looking equipment has been brought in... a worker said that they'd be "reopening soon."


  1. Good question, Gar... I'm not sure...the sign is the same for now, of course...

    You'd think if you owned a restaurant and were closing it for extensive renovations, then you'd put up a sign for customers...

  2. I hope the same people run it...cause it was very good-fresh and very reasonable, I wonder if they will keep the large screen again for entertainment purposes???


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