Times Square in 1948...

...and Union Square in 1888... Per the original caption:
"The Perils of Union Square in the midst of the Blizzard". Scene of people struggling to walk in Union Square during the blizzard of 1888. Wood engraving.

Think of a possible caption from yesterday...
"The Perils of Union Square in the midst of the Blizzard". Scene of people struggling to walk in Union Square during the so-called blizzard of 2010 while carrying those Earth-friendly Whole Foods paper bags that shred at the first drop of moisture because you didn't bring your own recyclable bag*. Digital photo.
* Not written from experience.
that engraving looks epic
"The Perils of Union Square in the midst of the Blizzard".
Scene of yunnies struggling to hold their place while waiting in line at at a Manoloh Blahnick sale while having fro-yos and cupcakes in Union Square during the so-called blizzard of 2010...
Blutnik of Reality was a child in the great blizzard of 1947 and remembers how the city was transformed by the silencing blanket of snow and how the snow plows covered parked cars so it took days to dig out. Kids perspective: great fun tunneling into snow mountains on my street in the East Bronx
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