Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cooper Union picture perfect to help sell 18 wheelers

On Sunday morning, we came across this tractor-trailer rig-a-ma-jig parked in the middle of Cooper Square at Seventh Street. A police car sat behind it. We were thinking it was some kind of bust. (Though if this was the case, there would have been about 500 police cars, helicopters...)

Then we spotted three-four men with cameras up on the west side of Cooper Square... A police office was standing with them as the group took photos of the parked truck....The newish Cooper Square was serving as a backdrop for the truck....

We asked the officer on duty if this was a photo shoot for a truck ad. He said something rather sarcastic like "yeah, how did you ever guess?"

After more photos (trucks are so hard to work with! The demands!) The truck and the police car moved on...

First a Cadillac TV spot and now an 18-wheeler print ad ... And who says the Coop isn't a model building?

Previously on EV Grieve:
The Coop and the Caddy


  1. were any of the other autobots there? would be cool to see bumblebee in action.

  2. Manhattan in general is such a strange place to advertise an 18-wheeler. Why not go photograph hundreds of them lined up for the Holland Tunnel?

  3. Dumb question... but does the company have to get the Coop's permission to do this...?

  4. isn't there a better use of police resources?

  5. I doubt Cooper gets paid for the Time Warner Cable or this truck ad...although it features their buildings prominently, they don't physically have to use their property. Which sucks because since businesses are taking advantage of a tuition-free non-profit, Cooper could really use the money.


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