...and was rewarded with an empty storefront for about 20 months...Now, though, as EV Grieve reader Kim passed along, workers are gutting the old space...
A nearby shopkeeper says the space will become a Mexican restaurant. "Tacos, burritos -- that kind of shit."
For further reading:
David's Bagels (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)
A sad day for bagels (Blah Blog Blah ... and Jill gets credit for that top photo)
Ten months later, David’s space still empty (East Village Idiot)
I don't think this place was anything special, nothing very homey or old world about it, plus many people get their bagels at a place on 1st avenue and umm 18 or 19 or in between, which may be called David's too. Then there's Ess a Bagel which I believe to be the best bagel place in the world? on 1st avenue and 21st. there is another ess a bagel at 3rd avenue and 50th but i don't like it as much. the ess a bagel on 21st might have a rat problem, but it seems to make the bagels better.
Look, NYC taxi photo, this David's Bagels may not have been anything special in the aesthetic sense -- god knows I avoided sitting down in the place to slather my Everything Bagel with any baked almon spread -- but the bagels were made on site and were TERRIFIC.
And the service was not so shabby ny-dah. Efficient, straight forward, good enough for me.
Yes, there is a David's Bagels btw 18th-19th on First Ave. but when you live on 11th and Ave. A, that becomes a much longer schlep for a HOT bag of a dozen bagels (i.e. a baker's dozen, 13) and the last thing I want to replace it is a Mexican restaurant. Who needs tacos on an early Sunday morning?
Then again, at least it isn't going to become another friggin' bank. Small favors.......
Yo...NYC taxi photo - easy there. Ess-a and all those other bagel places you mention do not exist in the East Village. When I want a bagel on the weekends, I'm not hiking up to 21st to get one, and I'm especially not waiting in the line in that cramped little joint for some bagel that pales in comparison to what I'm used to from my hometown. I've never had David's Bagels, but I've had damn good bagels, and none of them exist in the East Village. No one claimed it to be "old world", but it sold bagels, and apparently good enough bagels for it to exist for 21 years. In the East Village, we need good bagels, and if you're going to get all high and mighty over a bagel joint closing, then you might as well move to Gramercy.
There's a great bagel joint on the west side of 1st Ave between 15 and 16, can't remember the name but they're the kosher place right near to Murray's. They also sell amazing challah.
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