Monday, April 19, 2010

Eatery odds-n-ends: College Night at McDonald's; renovation at Saint's Alp; mannequins at Spitzer's

Bar Paya on Second Street near Fourth Street is coming along... Grub Street has more details on this Peruvian restaurant.

The new smoothie place on First Street near First Avenue looks like this...

McDonald's on Third Avenue near St. Mark's Place has a College Night?

Saint's Alp Teahouse on Third Avenue at NYU has signed a new 10-year lease and is remodeling their place...

Something is going into the former Shiki Kitchen on First Avenue near St. Mark's Place...

The Film Academy Cafe at the former Starbucks Astor Place east location is now open...

...and serving bread, evidently, from Balthazar...

Ryan's Irish Pub on Second Avenue now has a live DJ weekend nights?

Sure, this is from February, but I just stumbled upon it...the Sony Mannequins do dinner and drinks at Schiller's (OOPS! Spitzer's!)


  1. but, will they be accepting nyu campus cash?(i know the mcd's on 3rd ave. does)

  2. I fell into a clinical depression when I saw that Saint Alp's was closing for renovations. It's a regular stop for bubble tea on the days when I am cat sitting.


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