Saturday, April 17, 2010

Graceland looking empty

Walked in Graceland on Avenue A and Second Street the other night... looking rather barren ... the shelves up top are empty...

Has anyone heard any updates on it closing?

Previously on EV Grieve
Graceland is closing in the next 10 days


  1. I could never reach that high on those shelves anyway...

  2. Still saying ten days. And it's going to remain a grocery.

  3. Yesterday afternoon I was walking to Mary O's because she started serving brunch this weekend, and I noticed Graceland put up a sign (should have taken a pic) that said due to the economy they were being forced to close. Employees mentioned a new deli is coming in, possibly buying some of their inventory for a faster switch over. At this point is sounds as though some of the employees will be kept on, fingers crossed. Unfortunately I can't imagine a new place is going to clear enough $ to make up for the astronomical rate hike. Unless they jack everything up to Gracefully prices.

  4. Thanks, Ryan. Yeah, I'm with you — you'd think to meet that preposterous rent hike, a new deli will have to charge a small fortune for food. And there are some people I know who already complain about Graceland's prices.


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