The Graffiti Friend of EV Grieve (GFOEVG) sent along this link from
Animal New York... graffiti writer NAW tried to add a little something to the new mural at Houston and the Bowery... which didn't go over well with the security guard on duty...

Per GFOEVG: "I suspect this piece gets dissed and fixed many times."
The mural has a security guard?
"graffiti" with a security guard. right. just like Goldman's set-up in Florida:
Oh no, it has a security guard!
Sorry, but I couldn't care less about graf "artists" whose repetoire is limited to tagging their name.
iT's sorta ugly and meaningless
Graf on the street has to be fast, given how stiff the penalties are. That's why you see so much of the simpler, tag-based graffiti. You can't stand on the corner of Houston and Bowery and take your sweet time painting a masterpiece, in plain view of everyone.
Says a lot that this piece is getting tagged over while the Os Gemeos (master)piece was never touched.
Perfect touch for the forth corner of the "new" Bowery and Houston.Whole Foods DBGE Pulino's and Shepard. Its like a down town Times Square
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