Eater has the news: It's official: Superdive is leaving 200 Avenue A... but not before they "have a month long blowout. " The owners told Eater that they are in" final negotiations on a space on Third Avenue in the 30's and another down on the LES that is 'bigger and more heavily trafficked.'"
Feel free to leave your warm remembrances in the comments. Here's part of one comment: "The Superdive concept is an utter East Village failure and laughingstock."
so stick with your fucking murray hill spot, you don't need the l.e.s spot you piece of shit
Also, "month-long blowout"? Bitches, please. The Superdivers may manage to wring a couple of sad final keggers from their drunk friends and alcoholic family members, but face facts already, you bloated idiots: The Superdive concept is an utter East Village failure and laughingstock.
You played and you lost. Pack it up and go away.
Thanks and good-bye,
Upper Avenue A
Ohhh. UPPER Avenue A. uptown snobbery rears it's head
Good fucking riddance...
Please, stay out of the LES. You failed in the East Village, what makes you think you can make it work a few blocks South? As if there aren't enough frat-boy bars here already?
Or maybe they could open down below Delancey. I think there's a spot across the street from that new Subway - same target market, might as well.
I shuddered when I saw the signs in the windows this morning announcing that they're open this weekend.
The East Village has certainly changed in the last 10 years but not so much that SuperDive vibes here. I am glad to hear they are moving on, although I fear for their new neighbors...
Maybe they'll anchor the Atlantic Yards strip mall.
SuperDive was an insult to the East Village that did nothing but deteriorate the quality of the neighborhood while in existence. They are a laughingstock because even in their failure they continue to use boastful language rather than be humbled into reality, amounting in a whole lotta superJIVE. That they failed miserably here and were the subject of much disdain from the existing neighborhood is something I am proud of, it speaks to the authenticity of east villagers and the strength of tasteful counterculture that continues to thrive here in the face of commercialism, monetization, greed and gentrification. Today is a good day, one of hope for the future of the east village, the sentiment that defines us, and all that is held sacred here.
12:30 Anon, I said UPPER Avenue A to indicate that I am a resident of the block on which Superdive pitifully attempted to exist. Avenue A residents below the park have their own issues. Superdive was the scourge of the upper end of the avenue.
Between the Superdive death and the scathing piece on Ben Shaoul in RealDeal, UPPER Avenue A residents are having the BEST WEEK EVER!!
I'm calling this dude's bluff. No way he's negotiating on two new spaces after this failure.
Stay away from the LES!
I have my doubts too, BB
What the fuck is/was Superdive?? No, really, what?
Just a little place where you could order table-side keg service... A little history on the bait-and-switch...
Superdive = SuperSUCKS
Good riddance!
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