Last evening, EV Grieve reader Peter passed along these photos with the news that Matsukado has closed...

The monthly rent is, according to the sign posted on the door, $12,500 a month. And and they owe more than $30,000.

As Fork in the Road noted, Matsukado is family-owned with two other branches in Japan.
I went there for lunch once. Sweet waitress, but the food wasn't very exciting. It's a great space inside and it's sorted of wasted in a way. There are just too many Japanese joints in EV. Very high competition. Hope the owner and the family are doing alright.
I tried it too when it first opened. The ramen I had was very average, and that obviously won't cut it around here. I'm actually surprised to find out it was a real Japanese-owned restaurant. My fried squid legs also arrived at the table sans any kind of sauce. My impression was that there wasn't a whole lot of care put into the food and that is just too bad. I'm all for more real Japanese restaurants here.
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