Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Breaking: Fire on 14th Street and Avenue A

Many thanks to EV Grieve reader Sergey for these on-the-scene photos of a fire that appears to have started near Stuyvesant Market on Avenue A and 14th Street. More to come.


  1. I hope everyone and everything is okay over there-I was looking up Avenue A a few minutes ago and remarked--I can't see beyond 14th Street--thought it was fog--not smoke.

  2. Oh my god, Grieve. PLEASE keep us posted -- this is my block and I am many neighborhoods away right now at work.

    This is terrifying. Praying that all neighbors, shop owners, and pets are OK ...

  3. I think NYU is affected by it because there's interoffice emails floating around about burning smells.

  4. I don't think anyone was harmed, fortunately. The fire started in Pete's-a-Place and spread - flames were shooting up from the roof. I talked to the son of the grocery store owner and he said everyone was okay. The firemen broke out the windows of the grocery store, tax place, pizza place, and hair salon and sprayed water in the stores as well as on the roof. I think it's under control now.

  5. thank you for your coverage where there was none on the news. my apartment filled with smoke blocks away from the fire and my neighbors and i wondered what we should take or how many animals needed evacuation.
    i never thought of using your site for breaking news before.
    thanks again.

  6. Thanks, Bluegrass.

    Many thanks to Sergey for providing all the dramatic photos. Glad to hear that, so far, there weren't any reported injuries.

  7. I saw a fireguy on a stretcher, receiving oxygen. He looked ok, though.

  8. Thanks for the coverage, Grieve and Sergey - I had no idea this was going on until I got the NotifyNY call and then tuned in to this blog. Can't find info anywhere else. Scary.

  9. Oh, thanks for this. I started smelling smoke around 10:30 and it just got worse and scarier, and I'm on 10th and 1st. Couldn't find any info on news...and that's my favorite pizza place, oh more dee-lish meatball sandwiches for a while, I guess...


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