Amaran, the home furnishings store on Avenue B at Seventh Street,
seems to have been holding sales now for months and months... which leads to some speculation that the store is going out of business... which leads to their latest sales sign...

The store is NOT going out of business...
Good. Because even tho I have never even set foot in the place, if it did we would just get another bar/bank/drugstore anyway. (My money's on the first option.)
Oh, don't fear, fronts tend to continue operating even in a bad economy. If fact, the bad economy has been useful for telling the fronts from actual business. Take a look at the stores that are left that never sell anything, never have any customers, and generally run a business that involves either importing/exporting or moving stuff around. Viola! That grocery that never sells anything isn't a grocery. That lamp store that doesn't sell lamp isn't a lamp store. And that furnishings store, well, that sale's going to go on for a while.
great now that they are not going out of business maybe i can finally afford something in there
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