Saturday, June 12, 2010

[Updated] Help a neighbor find a lost ring

From an EV Grieve reader:

I lost a ring in the East Village yesterday, probably on Second or Third Street, walking from Avenue B to LaGuardia Place in the West Village. I lost it between 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. It's a gold band in a distinctive chain pattern, and I'm offering a generous reward upon return...

It has been found!


  1. uh, the West Village??

  2. Sounds like someone was intoxicated. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But how else does one lose a ring and not notice, let alone not remember where you were when it left your person. If you're walking down the street and a ring falls off a finger chances are you are gonna notice it. IMO.

    That said, I really hope your ring turns up.

  3. So glad it was found! I once lost a very treasured brooch on 1st Avenue as I headed to church at 6 am one summer morning, noticed it was missing at 14th Street, retraced my panicked steps and there it was, right in front of Little Village Postal! I think my late husband, whom I was going to church to light a candle for and whom the brooch commemorated, kept anyone from noticing it and picking it up...


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