Friday, July 9, 2010

An awful year for the corners of Avenue A

I suppose I'm not the only one who noted the awful fires on Avenue A this year... at 14th Street in May...

and at Houston last evening...


  1. I was walking by at the time it was happening. Wondered what caused it, if anyone was hurt... Seemed like there were people on the Red Square building right above it watching. oh, just read some other blogs and there are pictures taken from people in that building.

  2. The Irish kids in the 'hood back in the day used to call it "Firebase Alpha"

    I have video of the big big big big fire from years ago that all but destroyed 194 Avenue A. That was right after 9/11 I think and they blocked Ave A off from 14th/11th Street. I gotta find the video. It looks better than this now, but still has not recovered...

  3. 194 Ave A burned down Feb 2006. The fire started in the boiler and put The Raven out of business. It has since been completely rebuilt from the ground up and is occupied, except for the retail space.

  4. I was telling a co-worker yesterday this same thing. Ave A had two pretty bad fires on its corners within a two month period. I remember the fire on 12th street and A. Two of my friends and their families lost everything back then.


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