There are are several upcoming events to help publicize the threat facing community gardens in the East Village and other areas of NYC ... the agreement protecting various gardens from developers expires in September...
So! If you want to get involved, here are some activities planned by Time's Up Save Our Gardens Action Group:
1. Paul Revere Ride "Get Your Horse Head On" Prop-Making Session, tonight at 6, Generation X Garden (Fourth Street between Avenues B and C)
2. Paul Revere Ride -- The Developers Are Coming, Thursday at 7 p.m. -- meet at Tompkins Square Park
3. Save Our Garden Celebration/BBQ -- Saturday, 4 p.m., Generation X Garden (Fourth Street between Avenues B and C)
4. Harvest Day Rally at City Hall (in conjunction with other garden groups' press conference), Monday at 10 or 11 a.m. (exact time and location TBA)
5. Proposed Rules Public Hearing/rally, Aug. 10, 10:30 a.m. rally before 11 public hearing (Tuesday), Chelsea Rec center, 430 W. 25th St.
If you want to speak at this public hearing, then e-mail Laura Velle at Laura.LaVelle@parks.nyc.gov and write, "I intend to make a statement at the August 10Public Hearing on the Parks and HPD Rules for Community Gardens. Please add my name to the list of speakers." Deadline is Aug. 9.
Also! The Daily News is doing a story on the gardens and Paul Revere ride. They will do a photo shoot for the story this morning at 11 at the Generation X Garden. Per the organizers: "If you can dress as Paul Revere (like have a three-corn hat) that's great, but not necessary. Please arrive by 10:45."
"What a revolting development this turned out to be!"
Awesome, I will light a lantern in my window...
There is also a city-wide meeting TONIGHT at 6pm, organized by NYCCGC, at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, easily reached on the B, Q, 2 or 3 trains.
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