GammaBlog has some great photos and video from last night's Paul Revere ride (GammaBlog)
Talking with street photographer Laura Rubin (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)
More photos from the 1990s (Flaming Pablum)
Upcoming shows for the East River Park SummerStage (BoweryBoogie)
Before Second Avenue and First Street was a glassy condo (The Gog Log)
Tips on freelancing for the Voice (Runnin' Scared)
Darryl Strawberry is opening a restaurant in Queens (Grub Street)
Alone in the subway (Blah Blog Blah)
Union Square's old "Dead Man's Curve" (The Bowery Boys)
More on the Russian Orthodox Cathedral battle (The Villager) And Save the Lower East Side! has thoughts on the matter here
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