Sunday, July 18, 2010

Rat epidemic at 355 E. 10th St.

NY1 has a story today about the rat epidemic inside 355 E. 10th. St. between Avenue B and Avenue C... Per their story, tenants say:

"the rodents are in the halls, elevators, walls and ceilings all day and night.

They say some rats are even eating right through the walls.

Workers removed at least two dozen dead rats on Friday.

"It's very bad. It's so bad that certain people can't even sleep because you're terrified. I mean this lady had 24 rats in the front of her kitchen. How can you live like that?" said one tenant.

Meanwhile, I'd still like to know what's happening in that longtime empty lot next door to 355 ... the one guarded by the Astroturf-based fence...

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