The poster here used to be hanging at the police precinct at Eighth Street and Avenue C with historical artifacts and such. A reader salvaged it from the trash after the cops threw it away. He cleaned it up and has had it on his apartment wall ever since.
Anyway, he's moving... and he'd like the poster to stay in the neighborhood. As he describes:
"It's a really cool map of downtown with a 'You are here' marker at 8th and C and a bit of history of the neighborhood on the side. Probably about 3.5' x 3'. Its thick and heavy, needs to be mounted with screws."
(Unfortunately, the map is outdated, and DOES NOT include a marker for when German World Cup fans commandeered a fire truck on Seventh and C...)
Uh, but seriously....He figured he'd find a better neighborhood taker via EV Grieve than Craigslist ... or just leaving it on the street. If you're interested, then you can leave your e-mail in the comments... or, you can send me an e-mail and I'll pass your info on.... grieve98@gmail.com [Updated 6:26: Looks as if we have a taker...]

Any takers yet? I'll put my name in the running. Hit me up below. I've lived on 11th btw A & B for 5 yrs.
Thanks, Stark.... Someone did jump in for it... I'll let you know if that fell through...
It has been claimed and has a new happy home. Thanks for the help
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