East Village Feed has the scoop, so to speak: Red Mango on St. Mark's Place has shuttered! And EVF got a response from the Red Mango corporate office on why:
Dear Loyal Red Mango Fan,
Thank you for your email. To help answer your question, we are focusing our efforts on locations that align with our strategic growth plan. The St. Mark’s location no longer meets our long-term goals, so we have made the decision to close the location. We are always looking to expand to new areas and encourage you to check our website for updates announcing new locations (www.redmangousa.com).

Anyway, maybe this is some kind of Hilly karma... Red Mango took over the site of the old CBGB shop. I even made a joke on March 29, 2008, that the old CBGB shop would probably become a FroYo place. And looked what happened!
just don't joke about the newcomer being another fratboy "woo"er bar. i'll even settle for another ramen joint, or ugh, a pharmacystarbank
Hopefully they'll turn this place into a much needed bar or ramen shop.
Ha, ha — careful, EVF! It was my fault for turning into a FroYo place to begin with!
we're also missing pizza there.
we never have enough pizza.
the overflow of pizza is bringing the price down. the st. marks pizza has $1 slices, as does tne new one on second ave 9-10 st (former duncan donuts).
the second ave site wasn't bad but it was expensive. for $1 ill try it tomorrow.
that's all that matters, meeting our goals. What could be more American than that?
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