Friday, August 13, 2010


From the Post today:

For a group of NYU students this fall, the only room will be at the inn.

About 50 to 60 students returning to the Greenwich Village campus will be forced to check into a Manhattan hotel because the university has run out of dorm space.

But the young scholars can forget about raiding the minibar or dialing up room service. NYU officials say they'll limit the amenities to phone, cable and Internet service -- but, unlike the dorms, their rooms will get twice-a-week housekeeping.


  1. ...aren't there a few cheap motels over in Jersey where they could put this tawdry bunch of priveleged trash???

  2. The horror...the horror...

  3. They did this for years at Boston University, putting students up at the old Howard Johnsons in Kenmore Sq and the Hyatt in Cambridge.

    At the end of the 1st semester they count on enough students dropping out to move them back to the dorms.

  4. Burmudgeon = If this was about CUNY would your response be the same?

  5. quick
    give them more dorms
    dorms and bars
    perfect campus

  6. Why don't they just jam the 50 into 5 Stuy Town apartments like they do now ?

  7. When I arrived at nyu in '81, they put myself and other transfer students up in one floor of the YMCA on 34th & 9th Ave. Scarey area at the time for a City newbie. My room was 1/3 the size of the rental van I brought my stuff in. A hotel today seems kinda plush by comparasion, but nothing can change the saddness I have for my al mata after what they did to the Provincetown Plyhse and that church on 12th St. And I used to be a donor - never again.

  8. they did the same thing when I was a student there from 95-99. they were fond of calling it a housing "crisis" which made it sound like they had no idea they were recruiting way more students than they could house.


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