Wednesday, August 4, 2010

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

Revisiting Johnny Suede (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

Sound Library closes on Orchard (BoweryBoogie)

A cop on stilts dancing to Michael Jackson (Slum Goddess)

Life and Yaffa ads from the 1980s (Ephemeral NY)

Looking at 'Who Killed Nancy' (Stupefaction)

NYC now has even more millionaires (Runnin' Scared)

Longtime East Village resident/activist/educator Rob Hollander offered up some advice to the travelblog GranTourismo. Among his tips:

Most important phrase to learn?
"NYU." N-Y-U – that's New York University, the expanding school that's taking over the neighbourhood. You'll see their purple flag everywhere. Not loved among the residents. Don't smile when you say it.


  1. "neighbourhood"? Are you British?

  2. i tried calling the tombstone person. all circuits busy. what do you think it's trying to stealth market?

  3. Duh. Shark Week. Which I don't even understand why it's a big deal, do people love watching shark shows all of a sudden?

  4. Hi there

    Thanks for the link above. Love your blog - and your blog roll - wish I would have discovered you when we were in New York. Sadly we've already moved on.

    Anonymous #1 - 'neighbourhood' is my spelling. We're Australian, the sponsor of our Grantourismo project (a local travel project aimed at inspiring people to spend longer in places and connect with locals) is a British company, and our audience is mostly comprised of British, Aust/NZ, Europeans, as well as Americans of course, so we use English-English rather than American-English.


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