Oh, nothing
really to note here at the Copper Building at 13th Street and Avenue B... just seeing how easy it will be to look into someone's apartment from street level...

Thought maybe we'd get a response out of EV Grieve reader Despiser of the Copper Crapper too...
Ah more pics of The Copper Crapper. Perhaps if we could find the Serial Vomiter from the new Cooper Union Building and convince him/her to take up the cause on the many windows of the Copper Crapper. It stands like a giant 'F-You to theblock and neighborhood. Hideously designed by an architect who perhaps thought it was for Miami, it offends this corner of the East Village, or for us old timers this little northern corner of the LES.
So - we've got The Copper Crapper now. We've got a Yuppie paradise of a Pet Spa, and of all things a Pet Hotel. We're about to be hit with White Noise. Oh this poor beleagured yet still very old NYC block. May we somehow survive.Somehow...
What amazes me is the deal that allowed this condo to be built, replacing the Roberto Clemente Health Clinic that stood there and served the real residents of the neighborhood. What a sellout.
The Top Things WRONG with My Block:
The Copper Crapper - Disgusting!
White Noise - Soon to be Disgusting!
Pet Spas & Pet Hotels - havens for Yuppie Scumdogs, NYU Piglets and Hispter Wannabees.
What Right with My Block?
Dominican Bakery
Aphabet Cafe
Framing Gallery
Most of the long time residents (dwindling number that we are...)
You guys think it's bad now? Wait until the exhibitionists start moving in and having sex against those Godawful windows. Aw, c'mon, you know it.
What do you want to move into the area? Its called change. I agree the building is ugly and the architects should be tied to the tracks, but "oldtimers" and holdouts can only live for so long until you die off and new people have to come into the area. Would you prefer to still be jumping over rats and strung-out junkies or have to occasionally walk past someone carrying tier whole foods bags into an ugly building? Name calling is an easy retort - do something to save your neighborhood.
The building is an improvement from the old RC center, might not be much of an improvement but the center wasn't exactly a local landmark. Plus it only moved a 1/4 of a block away on 13th.
If you insist on taking photos of me and my friends, spying into the windows of my new apartment, I'm going to be forced to draw the curtains and that will destroy my view and my fun. So cut it out.
I think this will be a tough sell what with the projects right down the block which are the last barrier keeping this particular area from being completely gentrified - hence the bodega, market, fun Latin bakery, appliance repair shop and C-Town. On the other hand, the projects offer some good open spaces and playgrounds for kids, and sprinklers in the summer, and the pool on 10th Street is a great thing too.
Will they shop at C-Town? Hard to imagine. Plus there is no parking lot that I know of around here since they were all built over for condos. And what right-living condo buying New Yorker won't want to have a car? There is one on 11th Street but it is always full. I believe the next closest is to park under the FDR Drive, which isn't the most convenient. Maybe Stuy Town lets non-residents park, I'm not sure.
There are plenty of other new ugly buildings to live in the EV including those condos on 12th Street that are still empty. The only advantage I see is that the subway is a bit closer than if you buy a little further downtown.
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