Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dead black cat signal more doom for the Bowery?

BoweryBoogie has a rather grisly post today: That of a dead black cat spotted on the Bowery at Kenmare. What evil omen awaits us all now on the Bowery?


  1. Holy shitballs, I feel bedeviled just looking at the photo. I don't know what's scarier, the dead cat or the Oompa Loompa woman eyeballing the dead pussy.

  2. (s)he can haz no cheeseburger.

    maybe an ad or gimmick for a soon to be open ultra hip club/bar/restaurant/boutique/younameit that's about to open on that empty storefront called "The Spotted Dead Cat".

  3. it was crazy creepy, dude. people kept looking back at even as they past, as if making sure it wouldn't rise up from the dead to attack, pet cemetery style.

  4. aww poor kitty.
    Were the Smurfs in town again?

  5. believe this to be the poor cat belonging to a resident of 178 bowery -- a fatal fall perhaps ??


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