We're getting reports of a "major car accident" on Third Avenue at Astor Place. According to a tweet from @twatan, "Cab hit someone, cab's windshield is cracked."
Photo via.
More details as they become available.
Updated 8:37 p.m. From @twatan: "One major injury. Pretty sure it was a male. He wasn't moving much. Not sure who is to blame."
Look at all those suburban, new-jack post-grad cornballs crowding around. I hope someone like them got hit. They disgust me.
Didn't see the accident but I did see the immediate aftermath. I think "grisly" would be the right word here. I'm surprised the guy lived.
It's that dadgum Second Avenue bike lane. It's so confusing and overrun with homicide bikers that it's causing crashes all the way over on Third.
does anyone know whether the guy survived? i saw it happen...so shocking...
Anon 9:05: What kind of evil hate-filled person wishes this upon someone? This neighborhood and all the old timers who spend their days like this really sicken me.
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