Friday, September 17, 2010

More Howl!

Many of the Howl! Festival's high-profile events took place last weekend in Tompkins Square Park... However, there are plenty of other events left this month... all the way to Sept. 30... Check out the Howl! site... and East Village Howler for more details...

Speaking of last weekend... Here are some Art Around the Park photos from Minnie Romanovich... via her Flickr...

...and Stacie Joy captured some of the performers in the Park ...

Vangeline Theatre (Butoh)


Heather Litteer and the Tickled Pinks

Dirty Martini

Brown Girls Burlesque (Grandma Fun and Dame Chuchifrita)

Joey Arias and Sherry Vine


End of show with the whole group

1 comment:

  1. Anyone know if the stolen art was ever recovered?


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