Tuesday, September 14, 2010

NYPD making sure traffic stays out of First Avenue bus lane

Good job, fellas!


  1. A line of police and private police officers personal cars regularly park in the bus lane on 2nd Avenue between 20th and 21st Streets, right around the corner from the 13th precinct.

  2. Just make sure you dont call 911 when you cant handle your own problems.
    God bless FDNY, NYPD PAPD and EMS for putting themselves in danger to respond to 911 calls.
    As a long time residnent of the East Village and business owner, I thank the NYPD 9th Pct and FDNY Engine 3 for all they have done. I dont care if you block a bus lane while doing your job.

  3. Police need to park whereever they need to park.

  4. Given all of the conversation here on the new bike and bus lanes ... was just having a little fun. Of course the NYPD can stop where they need to. In this case, it was just a stop at McDonald's.

  5. cops are supposed to protect and serve the public, and to enforce the law, not be above the law.

  6. cops are like everyone else. some care. some don't. they double park or park at a hydrant to pick up (or sit down for) lunch. same to buy candy or cigarettes, or whatever. and they double park to answer a call. some are rude and hostile. some helpful. just another example of people

  7. I think people should take into account that there are NYPD Departmental Guidelines that cover a whole lot of ground on police conduct, and it's not always the logical view of the citizen that applies.

    Take for example the fact that a cop running into a store needs to be within short distance to their squad car in the event of an emergency call.

    If you want the police to protect and serve, you can't hold them to the same conduct as the citizenry, or else be prepared to pay the price when your emergency response is delayed while your officer strolls back to their car.

    I don't understand why this so difficult to comprehend. It's been like this in NYC ... forever.

  8. @Anon @ 11:22: If the cops need to be close to their squad car when they grab their greasy fast food, maybe they should get it at a place where they're not blocking a bus lane and inconveniencing hundreds of bus riders. I don't know why that's so difficult to comprehend.

  9. @Chris.. cause they're the cops. If it bothers you, I guess you can go argue with them.

  10. I lived in the building diagonally across from where this place is for 19 years, I just moved last Feb. I never had any problem with Sin Sin, nor did I have any problem with the wine store that opened on the block. People like wine, they gotta buy it somewhere. I never like the 5th street block association. They are so whiny and in everyone's business. It's not a bad street to live on, they should just chill out.


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