Saturday, September 4, 2010

Over? Did you say "over"?

Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!
Sign at Think Coffee on the Bowery.


  1. Hey Ev - just wanted to wish you and all your readers (even the ones I disagree with!) a happy Labor Day weekend. S'all!

  2. Thanks, Lisa!

    Enjoy your weekend too... I'll be here ... enjoying ( I hope!) a little peace and quiet....

  3. Of course you'll be here, as will I. Anyone who leaves NYC on a 3-day weekend has no idea what they're missing!

  4. I'm here too--wishing you all a good time!

  5. Happy Labor Day! I love the city on three day weekends when all the meatheads leave for their holiday retreats.


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