Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Twist gets a Bob

BoweryBoogie reported the other day that Barry McGee's wall of tags was tagged on Houston and the Bowery ... Meanwhile, the Graffiti Friend of EV Grieve (GFOEVG) noted that, during the long weekend, another small tag was added to the wall...

Previously on EV Grieve:
What about Bob?


  1. Someone flings the term "faggot" and then carefully inscribes the Cartier logo underneath?!? Um...have we a case of the pot calling the kettle here?

  2. Chanel logo, actually

    Maybe the tagger is gay and reappropriating the term? Not that "Bob Faggot" and a shitty pair of interlocking C's makes for some sort of profound cultural statement, but I am trying to look on the bright side here.

  3. Anonymous - you are right, my bad!

  4. Saw this gem at Essex & Broome across from the Lower Manhattan Arts Academy. Anyone know what's up with this? The addition of 'Elephant' only makes it more confusing.



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