The owner writes in that his dog Eloise was taken yesterday morning at 5 a.m. from in front of the Olympic Grocery at 13th Street and First Avenue ... He had gone in for a quick moment and left Eloise out front. He placed a "missing dog" ad on Craigslist and the Voice.
He received a response from the Craigslist ad around yesterday afternoon. The e-mailer included a detailed description of the person who may have Eloise. This is what she wrote:
I am certain I saw your dog today!
A man was walking her down 1st or 2nd avenue around 11th street. My dog wanted to say hi to her and he told me he found her tied up outside a store. He thought she'd been abandoned. She was scared, but physically ok.
He was clearly not in his right mind (it was noon and he said he'd just woken up and was up stealing dogs at 5 am). He said he'd called the number on the tag - 311, but no one picked up. He was trying to let the dog find her way home. He was a tall white man with dark hair and a large tattoo of a bird on the inside of one of his forearms. I would say he was in his 40s or 50s (but I'm not good at telling peoples ages).
He said if he couldn't find the owner, he wanted to keep her. I tried to convince him to call 311 again because they'd have record of her owner and he said he would. I want to stress that this man was clearly not in his right mind but I do not think he would hurt the dog, he really seemed to like her and wanted to come up with a name for her if he couldn't find the

Here's more information...

Yeah - and once again, that "quick moment" may have changed Eloise's and her owners' lives forever.
ReplyDeleteMy heart breaks for this dog. I really hope the person who took Eloise will not hurt her.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope someone in the neighborhood can spot the person that took the dog and get it returned.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a pretty good description of the guy, and I'd agree that the suspect sounds like they're not in their right mind if they disrespect the public trust that an owner expects when they leave their dog outside a store.
But "not in their right mind" is pretty common for the EV.
I will keep my eyes open for this guy. I really hope Eloise finds her way back home. But this is yet another lesson to local dog owners: It's just not smart to tie your dog up outside of a store even if it is "just for a minute" while you run in to pick up milk or grab a coffee. Please don't do it for your sake and your dog's.
ReplyDeleteWho in their right mind would leave their dog tied up alone? I can't even IMAGINE doing that.
ReplyDeleteDOGS DON'T WANT TO LIVE IN NYC. And nobody wants your filthy dog in the store, so we're happy you didn't bring him inside - BUT - next time, bring it home first. Too fuckin bad for you bcause you asked for this responsibility.
ReplyDeleteYay constructive advice!
ReplyDeleteWow guys, once again, I cannot relate to any of your opinions. when i worked at a health food store in the neighborhood, people would tie up their dogs outside the store quite often, though the store was open during more regular hours. if it was 5am, i would wonder if the dogs owner had abandoned it too.
ReplyDeleteand it angers me that some people here feel sorry for the dog, when it now has an owner that cares for it. shame on you for dismissing a homeless man as an inappropriate owner. dogs do not belong indoors.
What's wrong with this person? I agree he shouldn't have taken the dog. he was very wrong to do that, but to call him a thief? he clearly explained that the dog wasn't his, it sounds like he was asking for help for his newly found best friend.
"and it angers me that some people here feel sorry for the dog,"
ReplyDeleteYes,why wouldn't we feel sorry for the dog? Dogs don't have a voice. Some of us caring humans choose to speak out on the dogs behalf. What's wrong with that?
NYC taxi photo, I do not understand where you are coming from. My bad.