Thursday, September 2, 2010

Who you'll find lounging at the 2 Cooper pool: A Jonas brother! That one woman from 'Twilight'!

Jennifer Gould Keil has this scoop in today's Home section in the Post:

Bloodsucks “Twilight” beauty Ashley Greene has signed a lease for a one-bedroom at the new 2 Cooper Square rental building, where one-bedrooms start around $4,000 per month.

Greene, who plans to share the new apartment with her dog, hasn’t moved in yet but has already been seen at the building. While our spies can’t see the future like Greene’s “Twilight” character, they’ve spotted the actress sunbathing by 2 Cooper Square’s rooftop pool with her hunky Jonas Brothers beau, Joe Jonas.

Also, the online version of the story has "bloodsucks" while the paper version has "Bloodsucking." I think I like "bloodsucks" better.

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