Wednesday, October 20, 2010

9th Precinct community topics: Diablo Royale, bike lanes

I commend anyone who takes the time to attend the various community meetings... and Jill did so last night at the 9th Precinct's Monthly confab....

A few highlights via Blah Blog Blah:

• "There was a complaint about Diablo Royale, the crowds, noise and violations of their agreement to not use the backyard after 11pm."

• "There was discussion about the bike lanes on 1st and 2nd Avenues. The police explained that they are distributing pamphlets and issuing summons to everybody who isn't following the rules".

Lordy, we may have to issue rewards to anyone who receives one of these pamphlets... In fact, I may set my bike on fire while riding on the sidewalk up and down Fifth Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue just to get one...


  1. @Jill,

    Can we set those riders on fire and then hand them a pamphlet ? ;-)

  2. The pamphlet print run has been delayed while they add "riding up and down sidewalks while on fire" to the list of rules.

  3. can i skateboard in the bikelane? while on fire?

  4. The bike lanes are nice for those who like to ride their bikes s-l-o-w-l-y. Those of us who need to get somewhere quickly on our bikes without being subjected to or having to circumvent pedestrians walking in and vehicles turning in or driving in or parking in or opening their doors in bike lanes shouldn't be hit with tickets for not using Big Nanny's bike lanes that are supposedly there "for own good."

    I'm a big boy now and can handle my own affairs, including riding a bike safely on the city's streets!!

  5. Lt Hernandez said he handed out 200 pamphlets in an hour. What was unclear was whether he spent several hours handing them out at the rate of 200 per hour, or stopped after 200 and an hour of work.

    I'm not sure I actually understand the bit about setting your bike on fire, but please alert me first so I can make s'mores while we wait for the pamphlet to arrive.


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