Friday, October 8, 2010

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

On that quaint old town of NYC (The Grumbler)

Amy is selling brownies at Ray's (Slum Goddess)

About Eric Drooker’s illustrated edition of Ginsberg’s Howl (Patell and Waterman’s History of New York)

St. Mark's Place circa 1967 (Flaming Pablum)

Random musical interlude...

Another Bowery storefront on the market (Bowery Boogie)

The hidden graffiti of Chinatown (NYC the Blog)

Rust never sleeps (The Gog Log)

Pee-Wee Herman visits Katz's (Cat Sitter in the City)

Have fun trying to figure out the L train this weekend (Runnin' Scared)

Why a woman dressed as a knish will be walking on Second Avenue Sunday (The Lo-Down)

More on yesterday's downed tree/light pole on St. Mark's Place: East Village Feed ... NearSay ... The Local EV ... Neighborhoodr ...

A Blondie promo poster (Stupefaction)

Good Beer NYC coming soon on East Ninth Street (Fork in the Road)

And for Northern Spy fans, via the EV Grieve inbox:

Northern Spy Food Co. has recently introduced delivery service and to celebrate the new addition, they’re offering a sweet deal for the rest of the month:

With every delivery order, Northern Spy will include complimentary sweets for dessert. For now, each order will come with a free bag featuring a variety of Liddabit Sweets’ — seasonal and fresh, responsibly made sweets.

Finally ... and talking about nice cars...


  1. I spoke with Bob Arihood about Amy's cream cheese brownies and he says they are a winner!!!YUM!!

  2. I'll take that over the Lambo any day. My first car was a 1969 Firebird. This is a 1968 Formula. Nice shape.

  3. Kebab Gardens is where La Focacceria (aka Vinnie's) used to be. Sigh. Upside is that they are very nice people and make fabulous lamb.

  4. I miss La Focacceria. Does anyone know how Vinny and his son are doing?

  5. I last saw Vinnie outside Key Food some years ago; he seemed very much changed in personality. If you're referring to the lanky cook, he wasn't Vinnie's son. My husband says he never met a son, and he had gone there for three decades or more.


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