Police arrest suspect in Tuesday night's Stanton Street shooting (The Lo-Down)
The Best of Manhattan (and Beyond) issue from NYPress (NYPress)
What's replacing the "Hell" marquee at the New Museum (Curbed)
Where you can still shop at Love Saves the Day (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)
Skeletons! Including a dancing one at Mars Bar! (The Gog Log)
The way it was: "The Punk Rock Movie" (Stupefaction)
And First Avenue Correspondent Blue Glass notes that ConEd continues work on First Avenue at Ninth Street after the underground fire/explosion the other day...

NY Press - eh. It was great in the days of Russ Smith, save for the fact that he's the one responsible for foisting that tool Sam Sifton on the NY food world - he hired Sifton in 1990 to write the restaurant reviews for the paper, and they had a huge falling out when Sammo left to work for Tina Brown. I still remember Russ' diatribe in the paper about how when Sifton was sick in his "shitty little Lower East Side hellhole" (bet he don't live there any more), Smith went over and took care of him, and how betrayed he felt by Sifton's departure for Tina's loving embrace. But now the paper seems more for frat boys, altho the Best of issue is usually worth a read.
RIP Dildo Baggins (the Mars Bar dancing skeleton)
@WB - Dammit, is he dead? I hope he'll be resurrected for the weekend!
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