Saturday, October 9, 2010

A kiss before dying

On the Bowery.


  1. Look at the pretty colors of the tenements in the foreground contrasted with the bland glass/steel buildings a few blocks down, contrasted with the beautiful art deco Con Ed and ESB. If this doesn't prove these new types of buildings are less than desirable, I don't know what will.

    Amazing Grieve!

  2. People buying apartments in the new building that's going up will have a view of the back of a billboard? Ha!

  3. What an amazingly beautiful city we live in. God, how I love it here. I've been a resident for 20 years and am still awed by its greatness every day. I've traveled to London, Berlin, Australia, and Ireland yet NYC is still home sweet home!

  4. I know and love this intersection well.Fantastic pic, I love your blog.

  5. I love NYC! My friend who I stay with when I visit from Australia, lives in 2nd St between Bowery and 2nd Ave. I look at your blog on weekly basis so I can see what goes on in my favourite city. It makes me feel not so far away. Thanks!


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