Tuesday, November 9, 2010

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning edition

Broken water pipe shuts down 13th Street between Second Avenue and Third Avenue (DNAinfo)

The mall-ification of NYC continues (The Post)

The online video series The City Concealed kicks off with a look at Swing Street (Thirteen.org)

An "evening" with Sheryl Lee Ralph via 1984 East Village (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

Something new and swanky for Ludlow Street (BoweryBoogie)

CB2's turn to question new NYU tower (Curbed)

Honoring the longtime manager at Russ & Daughters (The Lo-Down)


  1. re mall-iification, seems like every avenue i turn a corner onto, there's another concrete thing in the middle of the street, meant to designate walkers or bikers or hobo's or what or whoever's space. Drives me nuts, screws up traffic and is damn annoying.

  2. Ken Mac: You do realize that those "concrete things" are proven to save lives from maniacal drivers, right? That's not what the Post article was talking about - they're talking about one full-on street closure in a major tourist location that was already horribly "mall-ified." Note the article also cited increasing retail rents on Fifth Avenue and in Soho, where they have none of those "concrete things."


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