Monday, November 29, 2010

Hi Fi's new jukebox now 50,000 songs strong

Over at Fork in the Road, Chantal Martineau reports that Hi Fi on Avenue A has a new digital jukebox. Per the article:

Hi Fi's new EL DJ, a redesigned version of the machine first launched in 2003, is the brainchild of the bar's owner, Mike Stuto. The upgraded digital jukebox features a smoother trackball navigation system, more user-friendly interface, and leaner body. The collection now includes some 50,000 songs culled from Stuto's own personal stash.

Among the 50,000 tracks — two Nuggets box sets and 21 full-length albums by The Fall.

Did I say the Fall?


Shawn said...

I live above Hifi. Mike is a great dude. I remember when Hifi was Brownie's. He's a good fit for this neighborhood and this block and I wish him many years of success! Congrats on the new El DJ!

michaeldustdevil said...

i always enjoyed picking & sorting the Max Fish cd jukebox in the early 90's... i'd love to see a digital one in a bar with ONLY The Fall on...

esquared™ said...

cool. hope miley cyrus and justin bieber aren't included there