Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Report: Graffiti artist deemed 'mentally unfit' to stand trial

From DNAinfo:

An East Village graffiti artist was deemed mentally unfit Wednesday to face charges that he fatally stabbed a fellow tagger in the neck in a dispute over a girl, prosecutors said.

The murder case of Jairo Pastoressa, 25, will be put on hold while the alleged murderer is held and treated at Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center on Ward's Island. Pastoressa's lawyer would not disclose his client's diagnosis with he's while under psychiatric care.

[Photo by Jefferson Siegel via DNAinfo]

Meanwhile, TBD explores why Gawker posted a bloody photo of victim Christopher Lusko lying on Seventh Street.... Gawker removed the photo several days later after objections from Lusko's family and friends.


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