Tuesday, December 21, 2010

EV Grieve Etc: Mourning Edition

Christmas tree vendor hit with $1,500 fine at St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery (DNAinfo)

"There's been an alarming 16 percent spike in vehicle and bicycle collisions over the past year that investigators blame in large part on rogue cyclists who have turned city streets into demolition derbies." (New York Post)

Comparing the new and old Fedora signs (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

190 Bowery, circa 1905 (BoweryBoogie)

Sassy holiday gifts that we like (Slum Goddess)

Faustina closing in the Cooper Square Hotel (Diner's Journal via Grub Street)

East Fourth Street's Tonda on the market (Eater)

And today marks the three-year anniversary of EV Grieve. As always, thank you for being part of this. (EV Grieve)

With that, I introduce my new site...


  1. Happy anniversary to you, EV Grieve! Thanks for all the good work you do here, it's appreciated.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about the Christmas tree vendor's trouble. We bought our tree from him this year and last and he was considerate and "willing to negotiate" during these tough times. Those of us who celebrate with a tree look forward to these makeshift tree nurseries but each year the city seems to put the squeeze on them and make it tougher.

    There seem to be fewer and fewer locations in the hood to buy a tree -- we've seen many sellers disappear, particularly several on Avenue A. We were on a first name basis with "Bart from Canada" who we bought from over many years. He spent every holiday away from his wife and 3 kids, just to bring home the bacon.

    I hope this guy can contest this successfuly in court. What a shame.

  3. happy anniversary, good sir. thanks for keeping us all in the know. cheers.

  4. and i'll take two of those ovens please

  5. Happy Anni! Love that oven, looks like a wee robot! Since you are the Pope of the Eastside Village Vatican maybe you can have some events, Grievous Gab and Gobble, gather at McS and hang with Kitty Minz and others, drinx treats... :)

  6. Happy birthday Grieve - strange you picked the SHORTEST day of the year for your birthday! Well here's to ya - we're going to toast to you Rue B tonight at 8. ;-)

    All the best.

  7. Happy Anniversary EVG. I love reading your blog. You keep me updated to all things EV. Happy Holidays to you and Mrs. Grieve as well.
    ps horrible about the fine--these vendors work so hard and to get slapped with a huge fine is a bummer-Grinch Christmas.

  8. Happy anniversary!

    I say we take a few ovens over to the tree vendor.

    (lol, word verification is 'weecock' - sorry)

  9. Whoah. Happy anniversary! Time flies.

  10. Happy blogiversay! I must have stumbled onto EVG from close to the beginning because I think I've been stopping by for most of your three years.

  11. Thank you for an edifying, funny, interesting and enlightening three years. There may be 194 Starbucks and 5,895 Dunkin' Donuts in this town, but there is only one EV Grieve. Long may you wave. And write.

  12. Great interview on utside in EV Grieve. I am an original New Yorker and I consider a 20 year veteran of these mean streets a real New Yorker too. Woo woo!!

  13. Happy Anniversary, EV Grieve. As I've written before, I love your blog. It is required reading. In fact, I check it out several times a day. It's addictive!

    It's also informative, smart, funny and a virtual venue for all of us who live in and love the East Village and NYC in general. It's a place where we all come together to celebrate what we like and bitch about what we loathe.

    Thanks for working so hard on this blog, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Mrs. Grieve.

    If I could afford it, I'd buy you that big orange EV Lambo so you and your wife could cruise around the East Village in style. :)

  14. Been here since almost the beginning I guess...my how you've grown! All the best as you enter your fourth year - Happy Holiday to you and the Mrs.

  15. I just realized, the traditional 3rd anniversary gift is leather...EVG needs a new pair of shoes! ;)

  16. You may want to check that, Goggla — I think the 3rd anniversary gift is a Lamborghini!

  17. a Grieve anniversary calls for a big WOO! from me to you, buddy. happy 3 and many more...


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However, commentary that is intended to "flame" or attack, that contains violence, racist comments and potential libel will not be published. Facts are helpful.

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