Friday, December 3, 2010

Giant computer truck on Avenue A

Thanks to EV Grieve reader Bobby Williams for these shots earlier this afternoon on Avenue A near Seventh Street...

..teaching today's youth how to use large van-sized computers to watch online porn... or not...


  1. Interesting spot for Intel to pitch their product. Don't know if the homeless bum demographic is where you want to promote tech stuff.

  2. no but really, this internet tv thing is going to be huge, it'll destroy all cable television. people have been talking about watching their favorite shows when they want to and not having to be held hostage by tv schedules, for YEARS!!! It's finally here. This is huge, the only thing holding the internet back was that you couldn't sit back and relax and watch it on tv. hopefully with a year or two, these sets will go down to a reasonable price point. cable, and network television, can kiss my @$%


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