Several readers have asked about history of the Tompkins Square Park holiday tree... there's a new sign, unveiled during last Sunday's tree-lighting ceremony, that provides the detail.

Per The Villager:
The event also marked the installation of a sign designating the tree as an East Village AIDS memorial. The Parks Department donated the spruce in 1992, at the request of former Community Board 3 Chairperson Albert Fabozzi, in remembrance of Glenn Barnett — an advocate of the park’s restoration — also in observance of neighbors’ continuing efforts to maintain the park, and in commemoration of community members lost to AIDS.
[Sign photo courtesy of Bobby Williams]
I don't know how I found this blog, but thank you for your perseverance and bravitude!
I was an East Village resident for 25 years on Avenue B. I have lived in France for the last 10 and visit every year or so...the last time I was there (the east village) was just this last September/October and it was the first time that I felt as if I was in a place I barely recognized.
So much is the same, yet everything has changed!
It's a rather scrappy-looking tree but, in fairness, appropriate for it's origins and the neighborhood.
What a great memorial to those former neighbors of ours who died of AIDS. May I humbly use this forum to say Merry Christmas to Maurice, my friend who died of AIDS in 1994. He lived on 1st Ave (by St. Marks) and was a beautiful man in every way.
The tree was aglow last night and looked beautiful.
Scrappy is a good word I love this scrippety scrappety trouper tree, stand tall my small friend!
I agree with Anonymous 11:42's sentiments about this being a great memorial to the friends we've lost to AIDS. My friend George from 12th Street lost his battle with the disease in October of 2011. He used to love to eat at Odessa, and I am sure he would have loved this tree.
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