Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Joe Strummer, Dec. 22, 2002

Thanks to East Village Radio for the reminder... today marks the eighth anniversary of Joe Strummer's death...

You can watch the video that includes the mural's creation here... (Someone disabled the embedding...)



  1. Im not a huge Clash fan but dammit what a bummer. I remember it quite well. Shock and disbelief, since I had not too long before seen Joe and his band perform at St. Anne's warehouse. I was impressed by how good the man looked. Youthful. Seemingly in good health. It was a good show. As a bit of a NYC tribute they played Walk on the Wild Side and Blitzkrieg Bop. Fuckin cool! Then months later he just drops dead at the age of 50. Tragic. He was fuckin cool guy.

  2. London town W10 we will not forget Many a glass of GUINNESS will be had missed


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