And here's what the listing shows for the bathroom and living room...

This must be a popular interior look.... As an eagle-eyed reader notes, these very same photos are also used for a newly renovated Lower East Side apartment listed at CitiHabitats...

Either real estate agencies are using stock photos... or, perhaps, someone is using the wrong photos...
Anyway, not sure where those double-doors lead to at 222 Avenue B... just looks like one door to me...
Wow, thanks for featuring what I commented about in that earlier post. I found the other listing via the New York Times. I was curious to see what rent was like in the hood these days and when I saw that listing with the same photos I knew I had to spring into action. ;-p
we all know they are using the wrong photos on purpose, lets be real ;) god i hate searching for apartments in the city
Also, there's a tree in one of the windows of the interior photos but no tree on the street.
Hang on - you guys are surprised that developers and real estate agents use stock photos? In New York? Really?
9300 Realty is (if memory serves) the residential/retail arm of Croman. They renovate apartments according to a pretty consistent formula - modern finishes, but dividing space up into tiny rooms. 90% of their apartments end up looking exactly the same, and so they do just recycle the photos.
(and I'll wager that those "double doors" are two separate doors leading from a windowless living room into two tiny bedrooms - the lack of windows in the living room being why they have glass both in and above the doors)
there's nothing real in real estate
at least the ikea-wood front door is still there! that'll make potential renters feel safe about their new double-door digs, right?
A wise friend once said, "to be a real estate agent all you need is a business card and a face."
they do that all the time, not stock photos, but good pictures taken of one apartment, then used on sometimes more than 5 other apartments in different neighborhoods sometimes. it's so ridiculous. I asked my friend who is a rental broker what's up with that. He said sometimes he figures one apartment has pretty much the same layout as another, he probably does it if it's in the same building, but I once found the same pictures advertising an apartment in inwood manhattan, and in elmhurst queens, it's just stupid, and lazy.
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