Wednesday, December 15, 2010

More Heartbreak for lower Second Avenue

EV Grieve reader Mike sends along a shot of the Heartbreak Cafe sign going up at Second Street and Second Avenue...

Per New York magazine:

"Ingrid Roettele, late of Roettele AG, returns to the East Village to partner with her former neighbor, the owner of Pylos. No Greek here, though: strictly rösti, fricadellen sliders, and creamy sauerkraut soup."


  1. Hideous signage, but I have been mourning Roettele since the day it closed. Bring on the rosti! (And I love Pilos, too)

  2. I'll miss the rabbit-warren layout and the grape trellises (one of which I nearly brought down), though.

  3. mmmmmm Pylos is amazing!

  4. Cheesy name but great to have some good food in the hood.

  5. Roettele was such a great restaurant. Glad to see Ingrid is coming back to the neighborhood!!!

  6. yay. whats a rosti?

  7. @9:29 Rosti is a Swiss potato pancake. Real comfort food.

  8. Rosti would have been a better name. Is it too late to take that hideous Heartbreak sign down and change it to Rosti?

  9. "Roettele"

    It's amazing how many places come and go; and I forget about them. It's great when I am suddenly reminded about them, but also sad.

    Somebody should make a hosted database of all places of past.

  10. Songlines has sort of a database block by block, google it.


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