Tuesday, December 14, 2010

On Avenue B, China 1 becomes Affaire

A reader sends along photos and the news that China 1 has apparently changed concepts on Avenue B near East Fourth Street...

Starting Friday, the space becomes Affaire, as the sign shows... Can't quite make out the menu in the photos, but it looks like small plates... Anyway, this place has a long short history...

I've heard a few noise-related complaints about the space, though none quite so pointed as the comment left at Down by the Hipster in March 2009:

This club is in the basement of my building, in which 25 families live, including young children and inform elderly. This club has been an absolute nightmare for we who "live upstairs." .... They seem to deliberatly not care that we cannot sleep at night, especially on the weekends, until after 4 a.m. because of the loud bass beat that literally throbs through the building and shakes the walls. I implore all to please DON'T PATRONIZE THIS CLUB! It is just a money-grubbing operation that doesn't care who it inconveniences as it just strives to rake in the cash. ... The new Obama era is here and it's time to stop being so self-centered, ya'll -- get with the program, grow up, and contribute to the quality of life in our community instead of destroying it in your own self-indulgence. AND LET US SLEEP!

Signed, "Sleepless in the EV"


  1. This is to Sleepless in EV or any of the residents on South Avenue B.

    There are a group of residents on North Avenue A who have been organizing with other residents and block associations throughout the East Village. We have been fighting similar issues and are gaining in numbers. Please join us. If you could post an e-mail where you can be reached, or send your e-mail to the Grieve we will reach out to you.

  2. i live on ave c but would like to be involved. please keep the EV GRIEVE site updated on your efforts/meetings!

  3. There was a strong block association fighting against China One and the nightclubs that have been taking over Lower Ave B. However, they have at it for 5 or 6years, and most of them have just become tired of the onslaught. I believe many have moved away too, or given up. It's a lot of work if you have any other kind of life, and it's draining to feel like you are fighting against such a strong tide of money and greed.

    If anybody needs contact info for them, let me know, I will pass it along.

  4. Ah, gentrification.

    You live in the east village, past Ave A? Stop complaining about noise. You don't complain about it when you want to go out and you can easily walk to the bar.. so don't complain about it when you live above a bar.

    "I live on Avenue C but would like to be involved."

    I'm sure you're really involved in your neighborhood in other ways. Do you even say hi to the squatters or the Dominicans when you see them on the block?



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